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Our Practice

Founded in 2002, Fletcher Consultants provides comprehensive environmental consulting services for industrial, commercial, utility, academic and public agency clients. Our practice is divided into two main areas: Permitting and Compliance Services, and Site Investigation and Remediation Services. We also possess a unique expertise in Power Generation Services.

Permitting and Compliance Services


Site Investigation and Remediation Services

FCI provides various site investigation and remediation services, with extensive experience at over two hundred industrial and commercial sites, including RCRA and CERCLA sites. Services include:


Power Generation Environmental Services

We also are specialists in the Power Generation Industry Sector. We have extensive environmental compliance experience in a wide variety of power production types, including steam generation, hydro, biomass/renewable, geothermal and nuclear power plants. We’ve also worked extensively with regulated utilities. Our experience and understanding of the ratemaking and other considerations for this industry sector provides an added benefit for our clients.