Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan Preparation
We prepare SPCC Plans for a variety of industrial and commercial clients. We provide workable, low cost and fully compliant Plans. For clients with existing plans, we provide both re-certification services and technical review of your plans to ensure the Plans are fully compliant with the latest changes in the regulations. We’ve been involved in the preparation of over 100 SPCC plans in a variety of industries; our clients can also benefit from this experience for benchmarking/comparison purposes.
We also provide site specific training on the SPCC Plans we develop. This training includes the latest information on the new Integrity Testing requirements of SPCC Plans, so the facility can take advantage of these changes to lower costs. This training is very cost effective, and has been widely praised by our clients.
SPCC Integrity Testing
Changes to the SPCC regulations in 40CFR112 require the inclusion of integrity testing programs for Bulk Storage Containers in SPCC Plans. FCI’s staff includes a Steel Tank Institute Certified Inspector who can quickly and efficiently develop a cost effective program for compliance with these integrity testing requirements. We also perform STI Certified Formal Internal and External Inspections. Learn more about our SPCC Integrity Testing program.
Since the SP001 Standard and integrity testing programs may be unfamiliar to some clients, we’ve prepared a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to help understand these programs. Send us a note via the Contact Us page for a free copy of this informative document.
California Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Act (APSA)
Starting in 2010, the local Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs) are implementing the oversight and inspections of facilities subject to the APSA. As a result, more facilities now require SPCC Plans that would not need plans under the Federal SPCC Program. FCI is very familiar with the provisions of the APSA, and have been involved in compliance with this program since 1992.
In May 2013, FCI’s principal was appointed by the California State Fire Marshal to the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) Advisory Committee, and is active in the development of regulations for the APSA program. APSA is the key regulatory program that authorizes local regulatory agencies to review and evaluate SPCC Plans in California.
Mr. Fletcher is also an instructor and lecturer at California’s CUPA Conference, an annual event used by regulatory agencies and the regulated community for training and continuing education. Mr. Fletcher leads training sessions on the subjects of SPCC/APSA compliance, serves on the “Ask the SPCC/APSA Experts” panel with members of EPA, and presents information and case studies on tank inspections.
In early 2015, Mr. Fletcher was selected by the Steel Tank Institute as an instructor for training and certifying STI Tank Inspectors, making him one of only three instructors for STI in the United States. Mr. Fletcher is also the author of a manuscript/text currently in pre-production on Tank System Inspections. He holds professional memberships in the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Geological Society of America and other regional professional societies.
Hazardous Waste Tank Integrity Assessments
Since waste (or used) oil is considered a hazardous waste in California, third party engineering certification of tanks containing used oil is required under 22CCR265.192-193. We have been closely involved in the preparation, review, and agency negotiations for hazardous waste tank certifications for clients at over 60 sites. We also perform these assessments for existing tank systems and for newly installed ASTs that manage used oil. We also provide third party certification of other hazardous waste tanks in California, under the Permit By Rule (PBR) and Tiered Permitting Program.
Tank System Installations
FCI has been involved with the installation of over 25 aboveground tank systems. We manage the design, permitting and installation of ASTs for gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, hydraulic oil, lubricating oil, transmission fluids, and other products at corporation yards, garages, and other facilities. We’ve also managed the permitting and installation of wash racks and vehicle washing systems. We also provide startup oversight and staff training on these new systems.