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Above Ground Storage Tank Services – Representative Projects


Aboveground Tanks/SPCC/Environmental Engineering & Support Projects

Project Title Scope Services
Aboveground Tank Installations Manage AST installation projects; provide geological/environmental services; prepare bid specifications and conduct bid walks; design and manage fueling facilities installations; obtain facility specific permits Prepare bid specifications, design fueling facility layout; conduct bid walks; prepare job estimates for management approval; prepare permit documents and negotiate with regulatory agencies (building, fire department, environmental health, air districts) for submittal; coordinate facility personnel and contractors; maintain budget and schedule; provide reports to owner on project progress
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans Prepare SPCC Plans and provide Plan engineering support Prepare Plans and supplemental inspection documents; Perform engineering calculations, review drainage paths, prepare document. Develop site specific inspection checklists and other compliance documents. Provide training on facility inspection requirements based on site specific equipment.
Tank Integrity Testing Program Services Develop Integrity Testing Programs for SPCC Compliance Prepare Integrity Testing Plans, provide specialized training to client staff on program components and key issues; Incorporate SP001 Standard into existing inspection records; Advise facility staff on available alternatives for compliance.
STI Certified Inspection Services Prepare Formal STI Certified External and Internal inspections of facility ASTs; Provide guidance on the SP-001 Standard Prepare formal STI Inspections for ASTs requiring Certified Inspection Services; Prepare reports documenting results of STI Inspection, Provide recommendations for future actions; provide facility guidance on STI SP001 content and technical approach
Integrity Assessments of Hazardous Waste Tanks Prepare Integrity Assessments for Hazardous Waste Tank Installations Conduct site reconnaissance and review of existing tank systems for compliance with CCR Title 22 Hazardous waste regulations. Provide integrity assessment of tanks, piping, and appurtenances; Recommend design changes and supplemental improvements to achieve regulatory compliance.
Pollution Equipment Installation/ Permit Acquisition Provide permitting and engineering services for pollution control equipment Provide permitting and technical support for installation of wash rack systems; obtain coastal variance permits; provide project management services
Develop & Provide Training for Compliance Programs Develop Site Specific Compliance Program Documents and Materials Prepare procedures and standard practices for the routine inspection of equipment. Prepare guidance documents, including instructional materials and site specific information, for compliance inspections.  Ensure that inspection documents meet internal and external standards for regulatory compliance purposes.

Clients and References available upon request