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Water Quality Services – Representative Projects


Water Quality and Hazardous Materials/Wastes Permitting & Compliance

Project Title Scope Services
NPDES Waste Discharge Requirement Permit Acquisition Prepare WDR permit documents, negotiate with agencies regarding permit provisions; Attend Board hearings to support permit acquisition Develop permit documents for agency submittal; Review and defend technical approaches for permit compliance. Negotiate permit terms and conditions; Prepare permit condition summaries for client; Review applicable regulatory conditions and language, recommend technical approach to compliance conditions; Provide technical services and guidance for client
RCRA Part B Permit Application Prepare Part B Permit Modification; Negotiate conditions with regulatory agency Produced Two Volume Part B Permit Application Updated and Redrafted 16 Sections of Permit Application
RCRA Detection Monitoring Program Oversight Review and provide strategic technical direction for Groundwater Monitoring Program and Chapter 15 Compliance Requirements Provide technical oversight and consultation regarding Facility Detection Monitoring Program; Provide facility guidance on WDR requirements; prepare reports for submittal
Technical Groundwater Demonstration Report Preparation Summarize and interpret technical groundwater data and other facility specific information and produce report of findings; negotiate with regulatory agencies regarding report conclusions Prepare Groundwater Demonstration Report for TSDF facilities; render professional opinion regarding contaminant impact and distribution
Underground Storage Tank Compliance Plan Prepare UST Regulatory Compliance Plan for Utility business unit Identify, inventory, and prepare compliance plan for USTs within business unit; provide recommendations for compliance assurance and environmental risk management
Environmental Compliance Plan Prepare Environmental Regulatory Compliance Plan for Utility client Identify and inventory all environmental permits within Business Unit; identify transferability, status, and responsibilities
Groundwater Monitoring Program Management Direct and manage quarterly groundwater monitoring program Direct subcontracted field crews for groundwater collection and sampling; Prepare quarterly groundwater surface maps and technical data for submittal to regulatory agencies. Provide professional certification of technical submittals

Clients and References available upon request